TMobile (USA) Minutes Used version 0.7
Version 0.7 has the following new features:
- support firefox
- show billing date
- show projected usage number and utilization rate for the current month
- show usage in red if the projection exceeds the monthly limit (there is an option to disable it)
- added the option "Show usage in red if it exceeds" to show the usage in red when it exceeds a given threshold.
- added the option to check the usage now to the status bar context menu
- fixed the issue of temporarily freezing the browser after updating the option
This is a screen shot of what the new tooltip looks like:
The extension is currently unavailable due to a change to TMobile's web site. When I figure out a new working version, it will be posted here.
This extension is great! Will the new one support I get a compatibility error when looking for firefox updates.
yes, it will support
For some reason, my online account was locked. I had to call in and unlock it. Has this happened to anybody else?
Could you make it somehow calculate how many minutes you should have used and have some sort of flag? Like, I have 300 whenever minutes. If I've used 299 of them half-way through the month, I'm not over. But, I'm sure headed for it.
thanks for the extension. I've used it nonstop for a while now (2-3 months) and it's very usefull. Unfortuntely, I went over my minutes on the last two days!!! My fault though, not yours... I just donated $5, I think you deserve something.
I was not able to get it to work until my first billing cycle was completed. I don't think this is a problem with the extension, it's most likely the T-Mobile site. Not a knock on the app, it works great now, just a warning to users with new T-Mobile accounts.
have you ever considered building a yahoo widget for this?
i have looked at Konfabulator when it was first bought by yahoo. it sure appeared to be a nice way of adding modularized UI widget to your desktop. not sure if its user population is larger than firefox though. any insight into this?
yahoo widegt is another new thing one needs to learn. similar to firefox extension development, its learning curve shouldn't be steep. but it's new and different... maybe someone can write a converter between these two?
I hate to nag, but will be version 0.7 be out soon? It's been a month since it was announced, and I'm anxious to get it working with FF
Thanks for all your hard work!
Since the redid, it has not worked. Just a heads up.
As of 03/14/06 now offers prepaid logins (same format, same login page). The parsing of this should be very easy. It shows right on the main pane. My suggestion is to have a checkbox for prepaid customers. If the box is checked, it can parse for the mins left and just display that...or ### left.
That would ROCK!
To the author: I would be willing to send you a copy of the html file. E-mail me at tooncis AT dodgeit DOT com
I installed this last night - new t-mobile customer - the first bill hit their system today and the extension works...perfectly. The only thing I wish I could do with it is to set a self-imposed amount of minutes per day, and have it keep track of it that way as well - maybe with a warning when I am at that limit. Thanks very much for creating this extension. Version 0.7 is the one I am using. It's great!!!
Well instead of defining a daily "limit", the plugin should simply do: "total minutes package / # of days in the month" and if you go over that, blink red.
i used a previous version before and it was the problem of showing zero minutes used all the time. i installed version 0.7 and it still shows zero. i thought the problem would be solved in new version. why doesn't it work for me?
if it shows 0 minute used, what does your tmobile account/billing page display? it could be a problem with your tmobile account web access.
leave your contact info if it still doesn't look right to you.
Any chance of adding support for T-Mobile pre-paid users. They can now log in to the T-Mobile site to check their minutes but the extension says "failed to parse minutes". My guess is that there is a different layout for pre-paid customers
The T-Mobile website changed and TMobile Minutes ver0.7 now doesn't work!! Please help, this is the one of the coolest extension I have for Firefox!!!
i don't see any changes with my tmobile account, and the extension continues to function well. would you be willing to send me your account page and/or share your account access to solve the problem? i can be reached at
verizon at s94141699 dot onlinehome dot us
Winston, the problem was on my end. For some reason I needed to go to the TMobile site via the status bar link and type in my User and Password. It had been configured within your extension already but I had to do this to get it working again. Keep up the great work!!!
Hi Winston,
A Yahoo Widget of this would be awesome! The SDK looks very user-friendly:
Takes absolutely forever to load, and when it finally does, it shows 0 minutes all the time. Also the "take me to billing site" link takes you to My TMobile, but not logged in. Anyone else having these problems?
I am having problems using the plugin for Tmobile. Could some one tell me what i have to do after installing the flies locally. what i have done is pointed it thru firefox to install.rdf. Any hint???
save the file (.xpi) locally. then from firefox open the file to install it. don't unzip it.
Can you upload the new version to the firefox extension website? Also, I think there is a bug...the billing end date did not change after my last cycle, so the projection for this month is less than the minutes I've used for the month.
Lastly, can you include text messaging usage?
I like the plugin though! Thanks.
From an anonymous T-Mobile employee:
Be careful using this extension. T-Mobile has JUST added changes to the website that will lock your account if you log in too many times in an hour. The reason is that other utilities out there that automatically access actually cause the spread of SPAM via the "send a message" feature of the website. User's of this plugin, just be careful... Perhaps set the auto-check to be 15-20 minutes and you *should* be fine.
No guarantees tho.
It is a great extension. Now T-Mobile shanged there site. It no longer works properly. Now I get this error. "Your access to My T-Mobile has been temporarily blocked. To protect the integrity of our network and the optimal functioning of our various services for the benefit of all our customers, T-Mobile limits the number of times you may log in to this site during any twenty-four [24]-hour period. Your access will automatically be restored in twenty-four [24] hours, after which time you may log in to this site again."
to temporarily fix the problem, you can set the "Update minutes usage every" value to a large value (like several hours).
the extension needs to re-login to get the latest minute usage because TMobile's web site cached the usage data if you don't logout. I will see if the problem has been resolved.
Hi, Thank you so much for this great little extension! It's working very well right now. What I would like to see is a way to view ALL minutes usage not just "Anytime" minutes as well as text message usage. Also, a way to place the extension on the top bar instead of down at the bottom all the time would be excellent. Thanks again for such a snazzy little program! -LJ
so i keep getting these invlaid phone number or password errors but have not changed anything in months. So i went to the site to log in and it says:
"Your access to My T-Mobile has been temporarily blocked. To protect the integrity of our network and the optimal functioning of our various services for the benefit of all our customers, T-Mobile limits the number of times you may log in to this site during any twenty-four [24]-hour period. Your access will automatically be restored in twenty-four [24] hours, after which time you may log in to this site again."
-Is this happening to everyone? and how many time does it take to get logged out?? thanks.
I love the T-Mobile extension. It looks like T-Mobile has killed the extension though. I have been getting errors about my login information and discovered that T-Mobile is limiting the number of times we can login per day. For people such as myself who open/close Firefox often, this makes it impossible to use the extension. Perhaps you would consider an option to limit how many times the extension will login? Thank you!
Right now there is no way around the login problem. I have updated the extension to set the default interval to 120 minutes. However, if you restart firefox frequently, you will exceed the limit set by TMobile.
If I figure out a better way around it, I will keep you posted.
Now I think T-Mo might have changed something else that totally shut this extension down. Before, if I got the error, and I went to the T-mo website, it wouldn't let me log in there either, b/c it said I already logged in too many times. Now, it NEVER connects through the extension, not even the first try of the day....and when I go to the T-mo website, it lets me log in without any problem.
I think T-Mobile reorganized their website. The login page used to be at, which now gives a 404. The new login page is
you are right. when i get some time, i will look into this...
Hi.. I would love for this extension to be working. I was just about to write a script for this myself but then decided to google it and see if someone else did it. This is a perfect solution! If you can't get it running or don't have the time, how do you feel about posting the source code so I can fix it myself and get it working? I really need something like this and don't want to reinvent the wheel!
- Matt
Hey I just posted above, if you want to contact me, my email is (domain: wageslavery-dot-org, email user: mattb).
the code is in the extension itself. open it as a zip file.
Doesn't work. Says incorrect phone # or password yet it's 100% correct. I just logged in manually without incident, so I know there's nothing wrong on T'mo's end.
Doesn't seem to be working for me either... says incorrect phone number and password in the extension. But I can log on directly to the web site.
same for me, invalid username & password but can log directly into the website fine...
doesn't work. says incorrect user/pass, and when I enter it, says "can't get byte length" or some long error I care not to type
Same "invalid username/password" poo.
Darn, I'm getting the same error too!
please get the latest version 0,8. it has fixed the problem.
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